Saturday, September 26th is National Hunting & Fishing Day

national hunting and fishing day

Celebrate outdoor sports this September 26th for the 38th annual National Hunting and Fishing Day.

Since 1971, National Hunting and Fishing Day has been recognized as the ideal time to introduce new hunters and anglers to the outdoor sports world.   As well as an established resource for children, men and women who are new to outdoor sports, National Hunting and Fishing Day is also a day to praise hunters and anglers for their leadership roles in fish and wildlife conservation.


Wonders of Wildlife in Springfield, Missouri is the official home of National Hunting and Fishing Day.  The museum coordinates public education and awareness campaigns to promote traditional outdoor sports.

To learn more, go to the website at

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Bear School: How to Hunt a Trophy Bear (Part 4) by Bill Vaznis

Bait Site Test Score

Well, here is what I think is going on. The first tree stand sounds like the ideal black bear set-up, but it is not unless you have never seen a bear before or all you want to do is take pictures.  It is probably being hit by a sow and cubs—not legal targets anywhere.  The cubs knock the grass down and scatter food all around like a pack of first graders.  To confirm your suspicions, simply check the immediate vicinity for small tracks and droppings in the half-inch diameter range.

If you now a trophy bruin is in the area, stick with it.  Sooner or later he will show himself.

If you now a trophy bruin is in the area, stick with it. Sooner or later he will show himself.

The second bear is bait-shy due to the lack of adequate cover near the bait causing the bear to only hit the bait after dark. This is the outfitter’s fault.  Although you don’t know for sure just how big this bear really is, it might be worth your effort to move the bait and/or tree stand closer to cover, and then wait for the bear to become accustomed to the new set-up before you take the stand.

Stand three is the best of the lot. Any place that gives you the creeps has big bear written all over it. Big old bruins are extremely solitary, except during the mating season, and there’s no better place to be left alone than an impenetrable tangle out in the middle of nowhere.  In addition, that ridge is a natural highway in and out of the swamp which doubles your chances of a sighting.  I would hunt this stand in the absence of big bear sign simply because of the typography.

Timing is the key however. Don’t sit in the stand until you fully expect the bear to show.  If he is hitting the bait every second or third night, hunt elsewhere for a night or two. Your best chance of tagging this bear is on the first night you hunt it, so wait for all the conditions to be in your favor before you climb aloft.

Finally, no matter what method you choose to bag your bruin, gun, bow or muzzleloader, remember that you generally only get one small window of opportunity. If you don’t shoot during those few seconds, your trophy will probably disappear before your eyes—like the 400-pounder did in the beginning of this article. Don’t let that happen to you!

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Bear School: How to Hunt a Trophy Bear (Part 3) by Bill Vaznis

Part Three: Black Bear Behavior

Behavior of other bears at the site can be another indication a dominant bruin is working a particular bait. For example, a yearling bruin may eat nervously or very early in the evening, and then bolt at the slightest noise.  I once watched a yearling bear announce his arrival at a bait site by snapping branches and then huffing, puffing and popping his jaws.  “A little like a teenager whistling in the dark,” I thought to myself later.  I guess he didn’t want to run into any “big” surprises at the dinner table!

Indeed, one of the biggest mistakes neophytes make is shooting the first bear that comes to the bait. There is a social hierarchy among bears, and no place is this more evident than around a bait site.  Sows, yearlings and young boars often feed first with the big boars feeding last in the waning light.  

A subordinate boar will generally announce his arrival by purposely snapping a twig as a warning to any bears already on the bait. Subordinate bruins will generally melt back into the forest in anticipation of his arrival. The snapping of a twig also serves as a safety valve for him. The last thing he wants is to do is surprise a more mature boar at the feeding site. He knows from past experience that he is no match for the dominant bruin. 

*   *   *

Here are three bait sites for you to ponder. Which one would you choose, and how would you hunt it?

The first tree stand is situated along a seasonal stream that drains a three year old burn.  The bait has been placed just inside the alders where the stream bisects a long meadow lush with the season’s first grasses.  Your outfitter tells you the bait is being devoured nightly, and he is sure you’ll see a bear the first night you sit in the stand.  There is no well-defined trail coming into the bait, but the grass has been knocked down all around the site, and bait has been scattered all about in a wide circle.  In fact, it is such a mess the site looks like it has been hit by a tornado.

A trail camera strung adjacent to a bear trail can indicate the number and coat color of visiting bruins.

A trail camera strung adjacent to a bear trail can indicate the number and coat color of visiting bruins.

The second tree stand is on a peninsula that juts out into a remote wilderness lake.  There’s not much ground cover near the bait, but the outfitter assures you there’s a trophy bear in the vicinity.  An experienced bear hunter the previous week watched a big black circle the bait on two occasions, but the bear refused to expose himself during legal shooting hours.  Although the hunter was able to sneak out of his tree stand each evening without spooking the bear, the outfitter blames that hunter for not getting a shot because he was too fidgety in the stand.

The third bait is situated at the foot of a narrow ridge that rises out of a large, impenetrable swamp.  The spruce/fir trees are so thick here that little daylight ever reaches the forest floor.  It’s a scary place, even in the middle of the day. According to the outfitter, the tree stand is a long walk off the tote road, so you won’t be picked up until well after dark.  Make sure you wear a head net, plenty of insect repellent and a carry a spare flash light, he says.  The bait is only being hit once or twice a week, but almost all the bait is taken on each visit.  There are no well-defined trails leading to or from the bait.

Come back Monday, September 21st to learn your score.

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Bear School: How to Hunt a Trophy Bear (Part 2) by Bill Vaznis

Part Two: Identifying Big Bear Sign

First keep in mind that nearly all book bears are males, and these big boars don’t advertise their presence in a manner that smaller boars, yearlings and sows with cubs so often do.  So, you’ll want to examine the bait site carefully and weigh all the “soft” evidence before you make any decisions as to the size, age and sex of those bruins in attendance.

Start by looking for bear tracks in the nearby mud, sand or soft earth.  They are hard to find, but a front pad better than five inches in width is usually a very good bear (The rear pad resembles a barefoot person). Creek beds, logging roads, gravel bars and beaver dams are all good places to look for tracks. Keep in mind that large bears rarely approach a bait station on a daily basis, while subordinate bears will feed here almost daily. Indeed, those “old” tracks you found on the beaver dam might in fact be heralding a return visit by that bruin in a day or two.

A bear's spoor is a dead give away as to his age and probable size.

A bear's spoor is a dead give away as to his age and probable size.

You should have no trouble locating entrance and exit trails if the bait is being hit regularly. If so, examine nearby trees for more bear sign. Claw marks spaced high up the trunk will give you clues as to how tall the bear is, and the space between individual clawings can give you a sense of how wide his front pads might be.  Fresh beds on the trail or near the bait site can also indicate relative body size. Be aware that bears will often sit on their haunches, like a dog, leaving smaller “beds” than if they were lying on their belly. Finally, if the nearby brush is thick, look for bear “tunnels” hollowed out of the branches and leaves, and bear fur stuck to those branches. This is an excellent way to determine the color(s) of the bear(s) feeding here.

Of course, seeing a big bear within a half-mile of any bait station is a good sign, even if that particular bait has not yet been hit. Sooner or later that bear will sniff out your pile of goodies, and sneak in to check it out. When he does, he may not leave any obvious clues behind, such as tracks or claw marks, and he may or may not sample the food.

He will often however first circle the bait, staying under cover and just within sight of your offering. You will have to look closely, maybe even get on your hands and knees, as the trail will be faint. Look for wide pad impressions in the dead leaves, crushed vegetation and bear hair stuck in the bark of nearby tree trunks. You may also find logs ripped apart, overturned stones and ankle-high vegetation ripped out of the ground all along this trail, indicating the bear was feeding as he was watching. You may even find where he sat down on his haunches like a dog or laid down on his belly facing the bait as if he was carefully studying the set-up (he was!).

 This trail is undoubtedly one of the surest signs you have a big bear working the area, and one of the most overlooked pieces of big-bear evidence available. Locating it usually separates the casual bear hunter from the real expert.

A trophy bruin will often circle a food source before committing himself. Stay alert!

A trophy bruin will often circle a food source before committing himself. Stay alert!

Once you have a trophy boar visiting more or less regularly, you will notice that unlike sows, cubs and yearlings he will put his feet down in the same spot each time he visits. This is one reason why big boars are so easy to snare. Indeed, after a dozen or so visits you might see a faint trail of pie-plate size circles of cleared soil leading to and from the bait. This is a good indication the bruin is sneaking in slowly and very carefully, one outstretched paw at a time.

He will also step over any obstacle in the trail during his final approach such as a dead log or pile of debris very stealthily, electing to put his pad down just on the far side. Sows, cubs and yearlings on the other hand seem to rush right into a bait site, over stepping any obstacle by several inches.

Another clue you have a dominate bear sniffing around is when you stumble upon several large piles of fresh dung one and a half to two inches in diameter scattered around the bait site.  I’ve found THE stand when scat such as this seems to be placed purposely on entrance and exit trails. Any droppings the size of a soft drink can usually indicate a very big boar has taken over the bait site, claiming it as his own so to speak, with his own specially scented territorial marker. My impression is that these strategically deposited droppings also function as a warning sign, telling other male bears to keep out, and if any other boar dares to trespass, he trespasses at great risk.

All else being equal, absence of small bear sign is sometimes a good indication a decent bear is in the area. If you must flip a coin, lean towards bait sites located in clearings adjacent to thick underbrush because these locations provide cover that draws larger bears.  Keep in mind that your best chance at a bear will be on the first night you hunt from the stand.  Once the bear knows your sneaking around the bait, he’ll be much more difficult to bag.

Check back Wednesday for Part Three!

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Get $5.00 Off Any Piranta-Predator Order!

The Piranta-Predator "Cougar" Close Up

The Piranta-Predator "Cougar" Close Up

To celebrate the lauch of our latest Piranta-Predator, Havalon Knives is offering $5.00 off any Piranta-Predator order.  Enter Coupon Code E110 at checkout to receive your discount.

Offer expires September 30th!

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