The Dangerous Decline of Hunting & Outdoor Sports

By A. Page for Havalon Knives

It’s obvious that the outdoor sports have fewer people participating in them now than they did 30 years ago.  Plus, the population has grown, yet the number of people interested in hunting and fishing has declined.  Whether we blame urbanization or video games, lack of mentoring or the recession, the facts remain that the decline of outdoor sports is dangerous…for a few reasons.

1.  States are selling fewer hunting and fishing licenses, therefore the revenue usually created by the sales of those licenses is down.  Way down.

2. Preservation efforts that were funded by the sales of state hunting and fishing licenses have lost funding and are now vulnerable to commercial interests.

3. Predator versus prey numbers are way out of whack.

4. Over-population of animals leads to starvation and illness.  For instance, there are so many deer that they’re starving and relying on the kindness of strangers who’ll put food in their backyards for them.  This lures deer into populated areas, though, and raises the risk of hitting one with your car.

A few states have tried various methods to raise awareness and participation in the outdoor sports.  Schools have tried public education courses for districts that have 20 or more interested students.  Seventeen states offer Apprentice Hunting Licenses that allow beginning hunters to hunt with a mentor until their education is complete.  States have lowered the age limit for licenses.  And, the NRA sponsors youth education classes as well as works to defend hunters’ rights.

But what can we do as individuals who recognize hunting as a valuable pastime that teaches resourcefulness and remarkable skills?  Well, we can start at home.  Hunt and fish with your children.  Encourage their friends to come along (with parental permission).  When confronted by someone who claims hunting is “cruel,” remind them of programs such as the ministry Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry.  The ministry takes donated deer from hunters and pays for them to be processed and given to hungry families.  Remind those individuals that hunting is like farming in that it is a way to provide food for humans.  Too often, non-hunters can get caught up in the bloody images of field dressing and forget that what is being dressed is what will later go in their slow cooker.

Hunting and fishing have never lost their cool.  But, let’s make them popular again.  Outdoor sports are too valuable to be in such decline.  Future generations depend on our actions in the present.

Send us your solutions to the problem: what else can we do to promote the awareness and popularity of hunting and fishing?  Leave a comment and let us know what you think.

And check out the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s “Five Actions for Hunters to Take.”

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Hog Hunters, Use Caution

photo courtesy of outdoor alabama

photo courtesy of outdoor alabama

State conservation officials in the state of Alabama are concerned for feral hog hunters and the possibility that hog hunters may contract swine brucellosis while field dressing their kills.

Swine brucellosis is an infectious disease found mostly in the Southeastern part of the nation. Humans can get the disease by handling infected tissue, which might come in contact with small cuts or lesions while field dressing.

Be sure to wear gloves and wash hands with soap and hot water as soon as you can after field dressing.

To read more about swine brucellosis, click here.

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Donate a Deer to Feed the Hungry

FHFH logo

Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry is a ministry that provides venison to the hungry through food banks and local feeding programs. Started in 1997, FHFH now works from 130 chapters nationwide. Hunters donate deer and local FHFH chapters raise money to cover butchering costs. The program also teaches that hunters are food-providers, which is an essential element in the heritage of hunting.

To learn more about how the ministry works, click here.

To find a local chapter, click here.

To become a local coordinator, click here.

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National Hunting & Fishing Day Releases 3 Reasons to Respect Hunters

September 26th, 2009 was National Hunting and Fishing Day. Thirty-seven years ago, Congress recognized the day as a day to celebrate the hunting and fishing sports and show respect for the men and women who participate in them. In honor of National Hunting and Fishing Day, Wonders of Wildlife, the museum and home base of National Hunting and Fishing Day, released three reasons to respect hunters and angler.

What are those reasons?

1. Economic Impact
2. Wildlife Management
3. Conservation Funding

For more information about why these three items are reasons to respect hunters and anglers, click here.

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Your Treestand Needs a Harness


Bear Kelly represents Summit Treestands in Decatur, Illinois. At a recent National Hunting and Fishing Day event, Kelly spoke to the crowd about the importance of wearing approved safety harnesses when hunting in treestands.

Summit Treestands offers “Seat-O-The-Pants” Harnesses, which are lightweight, four point safety harnesses. Additional styles are also available through Summit Treestands.

Kelly is also a guide in North America and Canada and an adventure hunter for the Outdoor Channel. If he says your treestand needs a harness, get hooked up.

To read the article about Bear Kelly’s National Hunting and Fishing Day demonstration, click here.

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