There’s a lot of buzz about how hunting is on the decline. Havalon Knives would like to recognize a few organizations that work toward raising awareness and educating young hunters on this useful outdoor sport.
1. The National Rifle Associationsponsors theNRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge.
2. Young Hunters of Americasponsors scholarships for young outdoor sportsmen.
3. Young Hunters Unlimitedis a Christian organization dedicated to promoting awareness of hunting.
4. Rocky Mountain Elk Foundationoffers chapter level hunting heritage education programs and activities. Find out more here.
5. The National Wildlife Foundationsupports conservation and wildlife activities for kids and young adults.
These are just a few of the organizations dedicated to promoting awareness and creating educational opportunities for young adults who want to learn more about hunting. Havalon Knives admires their efforts in working toward raising the number of participants in outdoor sports.
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