Finding the Spots Most Hunters Overlook

By Bernie Barringer

A public land hunter tells you how to find
the spots most hunters overlook.

buck shot in 2010 in Iowa 336x411

I shot this old buck in 2010 on public land in Iowa. I moved several times until I landed on the exact right location where a river swept up close to a steep hill.

All serious whitetail hunters live for that magical time of the year; those three weeks in November when the most amazing things can happen at any moment. Bucks are on their feet at all hours of the day or night. Core areas and home ranges become meaningless as the mature males of the species pant and sweat and grind out the hours, searching for receptive females in a frantic effort to procreate during this short period of frenzied rutting activity.

You wait for this window of opportunity all year. Don’t spend it in the wrong spot.

Some spots are obvious and hunters gravitate to these well-known locations. But some spots aren’t so easy to see. Consider hunting one of these three great stand sites that most hunters overlook.

google earth view of bend in river against bluff 448x277

Google Earth screen capture—an outside bend in a river
up against a bluff.

1. River Bends
In Iowa a couple of years ago, I killed a 6-year-old buck on public land on the 12th day of what was intended to be a seven-day hunt. On the fifth day of the hunt I found sign from a lot of deer activity on the outside of a large, sweeping river bend. Once in a stand, I began to see deer movement including one nice shooter buck. However, most of the movement was out of range, so I had to adjust a couple times. Twice over the next few days I moved my stand about 100 yards before I settled on the exact spot where I killed him. The outside bend of a river swept up against a steep bluff, which funneled the deer movement into a narrow corridor where I scored.

Deer, like all animals take the path of least resistance when travelling. They are looking for places that it is easy to walk and that’s where the trails develop. This was a perfect place to intercept a cruising buck because it very naturally channeled the deer movement into a narrow area, an area I could easily cover with a treestand in the right spot.

google earth shows jumpers 448x277

Google Earth screen capture—lots of jumpers in this picture.

2. Jumpers
I lucked onto the type of location I call “jumpers.” I happened to see a buck come out of the tip of a draw 100 yards away when I was sitting in a treestand in a bushy fencerow. I rattled at him, but after a short look, he crossed the top of the hill and entered the point of a draw on the other side. After that morning’s hunt, I walked over there and was surprised to see a series of rubs and a small trail with several sets of big tracks in it. I realized that it was a perfect place for a buck to jump from one drainage to another with minimal exposure. This ideal shortcut left him exposed for only a few seconds.

google earth shows field corner 448x277

Google Earth screen captures show good examples of the overlooked stand site. This one is obviously a field corner.

Frankly, not many people hunt these places I came to identify as “jumpers,” but they can be absolutely dynamite if you find one in the right spot. These drainages are referred to as hollows, ditches, draws or ravines—depending on the local jargon—where an arm of one ravine reaches out into a field near where an arm of an adjacent ravine comes out. These are crossing points for deer moving from one to the other, and bucks check them when cruising for receptive does.

Looking at an aerial photo will give you plenty of these to check out, but you must get a personal up-close look to find the good ones. Most will have little to no sign, but when you find the one the bucks really like to use, you will know it. Rubs, tracks and often a scrape or two will be the tip-off that you are in the right spot.

field corners great place for decoy 448x299

Field corners often have a tractor trail through them, which give you more visibility. Field corners are also great locations to place a decoy where bucks can see them from a distance.

3. Field Corners
In keeping with the theme that bucks do not like to expose themselves in the open any more than is absolutely necessary, field corners are another overlooked stand site. These are basic and simple locations, easy to identify on an aerial photo or a topographical map. Heck, you can even see them from the road many times.

We are talking about the square corner of an open field that has woods on at least two sides of it. Because they do not like to expose themselves, bucks will stay just inside the woods as they travel around the corner. This creates a pinch point that concentrates the travel, upping your odds of being within range of a buck by funneling their activity into a small area.

chris dunkin shot this buck coming from ravine 442x336

My friend Chris Dunkin shot this tremendous buck as it exited the arm of a ravine. Finding the perfect set in a “jumper” put him within range of a buck of a lifetime.

Interestingly, these places can have lots of sign or little to no sign and it doesn’t seem to make much difference during the rut. For some reason, I have seen these areas all torn up with rubs and scrapes or, on the other end of the spectrum, maybe just a very faint trail. The amount of sign in these areas seems to have no relation to the amount of travel they get when the bucks get on their feet and begin cruising. Some of these are really good and don’t have the sign to prove it.

Because I hunt mostly public lands which receive a lot of pressure from other hunters, I have found that the most obvious funnels, pinch points and areas with rutting sign get so much attention that the bucks soon learn to avoid them. If you learn to look for those less obvious points that concentrate the travel of cruising bucks, you can take advantage of not only the rut movement, but the tendencies of bucks to avoid the other hunters. This will help you put yourself in a much better position to bag a big one.

To read more great articles by Bernie Barringer, click here.

About Bernie Barringer

Bernie BaringerBernie Barringer hunts a variety of species in several states and Canadian provinces. He has published more than 400 articles in two dozen outdoor magazines and authored ten books on hunting, fishing and trapping. The latest is Bear Baiter’s Manual. He is the managing editor of Bear Hunting Magazine, and blogs his hunts on his website[hs_action id=”7476″]


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Get Ahead of The Pack – How to Prep Your “Go-Bag” for Big Game Season

By Mike Marsh

The easiest way to handle your hunting checklist is to have the right pack!

In my business as a full-time hunting and fishing communicator, I occasionally need to grab a firearm and head out for a hunt within hours, even minutes, of a telephone call or hot tip. The backseat of my pickup truck has several hunting packs, each full of all the items I might need to participate in a certain type of hunt.

Ambidextrous hunting pack with a single shoulder strap for deer hunting preparation

Having one shoulder strap that can be adjusted for either shoulder makes this MPI Outdoors backpack ambidextrous. With all the packs out there, it’s surprising that a good pack is hard to find. (Photo: Mike Marsh)

All too frequently, when riding in someone else’s vehicle, I used to arrive at a hunting spot and discover that I had forgotten something important like insect repellent. This would happen again after switching back to my own vehicle and arriving home to find I’d left a map or GPS unit in the other hunter’s truck.

It makes sense to have a “go-bag” with commonly used gear, and that’s why every dedicated shooter I know has a bag like this, full of cleaning tools, hearing protection, shooting glasses, targets and other gear. I carried the concept a step further, applying it to specific hunts. With all the different kinds of equipment out there, practicing good hunting preparation is crucial for those times when opportunity suddenly strikes.

1. Pack Selection – “Poppa’s Got a Brand New Bag”

If “the hardest workin’ man in show business” needed a brand new bag, I need a good one too. My big game hunting pack is a backpack designed specifically for gun hunters. It’s an MPI Outdoor Products backpack with a single shoulder strap. I’m a right-handed shooter, so I adjust the strap to go over my left shoulder, leaving my right shoulder free to mount a firearm. The best example I can give of perfect pack selection happened while I was hunting black bears in extremely thick cover in eastern North Carolina. I had been sitting on a stool when, with just five minutes of legal shooting time left, I slung my pack and headed out of the swamp along a bear trail. A bear materialized 20 feet away. I simply shouldered my rifle and took the shot. When you select your pack, not only should you think about what you’ll put in it, but also what you’ll do when a shooting opportunity arises.

Single-shoulder hunting pack is essential in deer hunting preparation

A pack with a single-shoulder strap lets you shoulder your rifle quickly and the strap won’t get in the way. (Photo: Mike Marsh)

2. Many Convenient Compartments

Make sure your pack has plenty of variously-sized compartments, inside and out. I hunt deer, bear and hogs with my big game pack, and its side pockets are perfect for calls, flashlights and other long, slender objects. The mesh rear pocket holds a ThermaCELL® insect repellent device to keep the vapors out of enclosed pockets when it’s cooling down after a hunt. The mesh exterior pocket also carries bottles of scents. I use a plastic peanut butter jar to hold scent bottles, swabs, scent bombs or anything else that would stink up my pack and the items inside. That idea will pay off, I guarantee.

3. Safety First, Always

My backpack has a camouflaged exterior, so I carry a hunter orange poncho, vest or MPI Outdoors “See Me” backpack cover that fits over the pack because the pack can obscure hunter orange clothing. Other safety items to keep in a dedicated hunting pack include a Space Blanket, fire-making materials, water container, flashlight, spare batteries and a whistle or other signaling device.

4. You’re Gonna Need Spares

Useful items in a well-stocked deer hunting preparation pack

A backpack dedicated to deer hunting preparation carries everything a hunter needs so nothing is forgotten. You’d be surprised how much Mike Marsh’s one-shouldered pack holds: a folding stool, two pairs of gloves, plastic gloves, scent, ThermaCELL®, matches, safety vest, watch cap, poncho, compass, cleaning tools, hand and foot warmers, ammo, calls and other items. (Photo: Mike Marsh)

If you’re anything like me, you lose gloves. A lot. Therefore, I always carry an extra pair. If one glove is lost, one from the spare set replaces it. An orange sock cap provides cushioning for other objects, takes little space and is a quick replacement for a lost cap. If you’ve never run out of ammunition or forgotten it completely, you are a rare hunter indeed! Carrying spare ammo in a rattle-proof carrier prevents the problem – but remember to swap it out if you change caliber.

5. Necessities and Nice-To-Haves

In my big game backpack, I also carry toilet tissue, a compass and/or GPS unit, maps, a roll-up jacket, face net or warming mask, dehydrated snacks such as homemade jerky, Sterno canned heat for warming a blind and heating food, and plastic zipper bags and gloves for using hunting scents and cleaning game. A ball Bungee on the pack handle carries a folding stool or seat cushion.

If you hunt a variety of game, invest in enough packs to keep your essentials organized and ready to go. If you properly prepare for your hunt, it will pay off not only in the time you’ll save, but also in having everything you need right at hand.

mike marshAbout Mike Marsh:

Mike Marsh’s articles, columns and photos have appeared in more than 100 magazines and newspapers. He lives in Wilmington, North Carolina and has written four books about the state’s hunting, fresh-water and salt-water fishing. His latest is Fishing North Carolina. To contact Mike, view his award-winning articles and photos, or order his books, visit

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4 Steps to Planning a Pig Hunt

by Gene Wensel

If you’ve been reading outdoor magazines for as long as I have, you probably know who Gene and Barry Wensel are. These guys are two great deer hunters, but lots of people don’t know they’re big on pigs, too. Gene has agreed to tell us how they make the most of every trip south to hunt feral hogs. – Steve Sorensen

Here’s a trophy tusker in anyone’s book.

Here’s a trophy tusker in anyone’s book.

Hunting wild pigs is becoming more popular every year. Not only are licenses inexpensive, but hogs are a very challenging quarry. They’re smart, tough, elusive, and dangerous enough to ratchet up some excitement. And dead ones taste great.

Unlike the similar but smaller javelina, which all essentially look alike, wild hogs come in all sizes and colors. Unchecked populations multiply quickly, and regions infested with them suffer damage to crops, habitat, and game bird eggs, and aggressive rooting causes tremendous soil disturbance which can dramatically change the landscape.

I hope I’ve convinced you that hogs need killing. So, how do you go about planning
a wild hog hunt?

1 – Locating Land with Pig Problems

Hunting near a water source turned this pig into pork.

Hunting near a water source turned this pig into pork.

Feral hogs are wide-spread but concentrated in the south, from Georgia and Florida through Texas. In many states, wild hogs are considered pests and are not listed as game animals. They’re often in direct conflict with the most popular game species – whitetail deer, turkeys, and quail – threatening their habitat and reproduction.

When looking for good places to hunt, target known deer leases or farmers trying to grow crops. In places like Texas, where private land is often leased for deer hunting and deer feeders are used, feral hogs not only aggressively run whitetails off feeders, they also eat tons of expensive deer feed. We hunt several leases where members don’t shoot hogs during deer season under the presumption killing pigs will disrupt their chances for a big whitetail buck.
That makes off-season pig hunters welcome.

A great way to find a place to hunt is to run inexpensive classified ads in rural weekly farming/ranching community newspapers a month or two before you plan to hunt. You might try to sell yourself as a “pig extermination service,” but be prepared to pay reasonable trespass fees because America’s farming economy is under stress these days.

Your trail camera will be as valuable for pigs as it is for deer.

Your trail camera will be as valuable for pigs as it is for deer.

Getting to know locals is a great way to get your foot in the door among landowners who have hog problems. During any pig hunt, whenever you go to town for gas or groceries, make local residents aware that you’re there to hunt pigs. We’ve picked up several new opportunities by simply telling people what we’re doing. Whenever you gain access, make landowners happy and they’ll often invite you to return annually. So, keep in touch.

I’m always fascinated that many Texas ranchers will hire professional hog trappers or even pay top dollar helicopter teams to aerial shoot wild hogs, when it’s a whole lot cheaper to trust responsible hunters looking for recreational opportunities. If you’re honest, reliable, and respect the land, it’s all pros with no cons for the landowner.

2 – When To Go

Anytime is good, but right after deer season is the best time to strike. Southern winters often bring competition for food sources – you can capitalize on that. If you wait until things green up, hogs often utilize green grass and become harder to attract. Texas is one of the few places on earth where the word “corn” is a verb!

3 – Where To Stay

Ranchers sometimes offer ranch cabins, or will recommend nice places to erect tents. If you prefer small town motels, always ask about less expensive weekly rates. You might need four-wheel drive vehicles to get into the ranch, as southern soils are conducive to mud. The good news is that sunny days quickly dry up access roads.

4 – Tips

Even the pigs take a lunch break!

Even the pigs take a lunch break!

Undisturbed hogs move quite a bit during daylight hours, although just before dark is always prime time. Wild pigs are very smart. As soon as they realize they’re being hunted, they become even more nocturnal. Night hunting over baited sites with some sort of light is also popular where legal.

Stalking bedded hogs is also a productive technique, especially along drainages or in heavy bedding cover.

Take trail cameras. They can tell you when and how many pigs are coming to a food source – natural, or ones you provide – or water source. We concentrate our efforts near drainages or other water sources.

Final Thoughts

Pigs are tough animals, and mature boars develop heavy cartilage “shields” over their vitals from fighting. Most hunters prefer a gun or bow suitable for deer – with proper shot placement they work well on most wild hogs.

Pigs might not have the best eyesight, although I personally think they can see better than most hunters give them credit for. Their hearing is superb but their noses are by far their best defense. Always play the wind and try not to let them know they are being hunted by driving around too much.

Off season feral hog hunting opportunities are not only exciting, but are lots of fun!

Gene Wensel, Hunter & Outdoor WriterGene Wensel is a widely known and universally respected hunter who is dedicated to traditional archery equipment. He specializes in whitetail deer but he’ll shoot anything, from Iowa to Africa. He has written for just about every bowhunting and whitetail periodical. Gene, his brother Barry, and their buddy Mike Mitten, are known as “Brothers of the Bow.” Their website is


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An Elephant Gun For Hog Hunting – Why Not?

By Max Prasac

A hog hunting expert answers questions about the proper firearm for a big ol’ pig.

Max Prasac with his hog trophy.I have to admit that I harbor dreams of Africa. What hunter doesn’t? A number of years ago I was determined to hunt Africa, so the first logical step was to acquire a rifle that was up to the task of taking the biggest and most dangerous animals Africa has to offer. I bought a custom-built Mauser bolt-action rifle in .416 Remington Magnum. Not a gun for plinking, no fun off of the bench, and even less fun to feed (on the wallet, that is). But I would get to Africa… eventually!

Fast forward a number of years, a mortgage, a family, bills to pay, mouths to feed, and African dreams get filed away to a corner of the mind you rarely visit. But that elephant gun? You can still use it on hogs! OK, the outfitter will look at you funny when you start loading cigar-sized rounds into your rifle. But my outfitter already thinks I’m crazy – particularly when I showed up in camp with a rifle, when he knows me primarily as a handgun hunter.

Why such a big gun?

Isn’t a .416 a bit much? Isn’t it overkill? Isn’t it TOO MUCH gun? Why use such a big caliber on hogs? Well, why not? Yes, it kills on both ends, but it makes for really potent hog medicine. Is it necessary to hunt hogs with such a large caliber rifle? Nope, they don’t wear Kevlar vests—at least not yet—and are a bit smaller in stature than elephants and Cape buffalo.

What ammo for a big gun?

Before I booked my hunt with Hog Heaven Outfitters of Johnston County, North Carolina, I contacted Mike McNett, president and CEO of Double Tap Ammunition and talked to him about my upcoming hunt. He loads the .416 Remington in a number of different flavors, and I settled on the lightest loads, throwing a 300 grain Barnes TSX at a scorching 2,920 fps. Should be enough for hogs… so I ordered up a box. Why not? Do you see a pattern here? Light load? In a big gun, doesn’t matter!

We settled on Double Tap’s lightest load for the .416 Remington Magnum.

We settled on Double Tap’s lightest load for the .416 Remington Magnum, loaded with a 300 grain Barnes TSX at an advertised 2,920 feet per second. We sighted our old Mauser in at 100 yards and headed out to Hog Heaven Outfitters of North Carolina for real-world testing. (Photo by Max Prasac)

What gear for a big gun?

First I mounted an Ultradot 30 red dot on Warne scope bases, using the supplied rings from Ultradot. After a morning range session to get reacquainted with my rifle, I was ready for the hunt.

Arriving in camp an hour before dark, outfitter Milt Turnage handed me a flashlight and told me to strap it on to my red dot sight. The light came with a contoured base and a Velcro strap, and is called a “Kill Light,” produced by Elusive Wildlife Technologies, a company out of Texas. The red light purportedly doesn’t spook the hogs, enabling you to hunt in the dark. I was skeptical, but I mounted the light and headed out to my stand for the evening.

Too big for a pig?

All was quiet till about 9:15 when I heard slight rustling of the brush about 50 yards to my left. The movement seemed too careful and quiet for a hog, but you never know. So, I cranked up my Ultradot, flipped the switch on the Kill Light, and bathed in the red light was a big boar hog. I took the shot that was offered me, a less than perfect shoulder shot with the animal quartering towards me. When .416 barked, the hog crashed off into the North Carolina swamp. My ensuing investigation revealed no blood, and no hog. Did I miss?

We mounted this XLR 100 red light onto our Ultradot sight.

We mounted this XLR 100 red light onto our Ultradot sight with the supplied mount and Velcro strap. Produced by Elusive Wildlife Technologies, this little gem made hunting in the dark possible without the cost associated with military-style night-vision equipment. (Photo by Max Prasac)

After turning up no evidence of a hit, I headed back up to my stand. Maybe the hog would come back knowing I’m evidently no great shot with a rifle. Boy, I was never going to hear the end of this back at camp. Milt and his crew came to pick me up and with our flashlights we searched the area. Nothing. That’s when the teasing started. I swallowed my pride, went to bed, and got up at the crack of dawn. The stand I was sitting on in the morning was about 100 yards from last night’s scene of embarrassment. When no pigs made an appearance (they must not have heard about my shooting prowess), I climbed down and went back to where I hunted the night before. It took all of ten minutes for me to find one large, and very dead boar, with a .416 caliber hole through him. He made it only about 25 yards from where I shot him. Guess I’m not so bad with a rifle after all.

OK, so why the .416?

You don’t have to have a good reason to use a particular firearm for wild hog hunting. If you have a rifle that gets little use, collecting dust in your safe until you are able to realize your African, Alaskan, or fill-in-the-blank dream, why not use it to knock over a pig? You might as well clean it up, order up some ammo, get reacquainted with it and then put some pork chops in your freezer. No reason is as good a reason as any. When asked why, simply reply: Why not?

Five things to remember when hog hunting.


Author, Max Prasac

Max Prasac is an outdoor writer with columns in Bear Hunter’s Online magazine. He’s a regular contributor to the NRA’s American Hunter as well as a frequent contributor to Gun Digest magazine. He is also the author of Gun Digest’s Big-Bore Revolvers and the Gun Digest Book of Ruger Revolvers.


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Whitetail Hunting: The Freelance Bowhunter

By Bernie Barringer

Planning an out-of-state hunt?
Here’s a how-to for the traveling archer.

Review by Steve Sorensen

the-freelance-bowhunter-by-bernie-barringerI’ve been saying for a while now that the Internet has made deer hunting in other states more accessible than ever before. But if you’re really trying to zero in on specifics for hunting whitetails, the Internet may not be the best source for all the how-to angles the traveling hunter needs to know.

Havalon writer Bernie Barringer has recently come out with a book called The Freelance Bowhunter: DIY Strategies for the Traveling Whitetail Hunter. If you aspire to do an out-of-state deer hunt, this book is a goldmine of information. Bernie has made all the mistakes, conquered all the learning curves, and offers all his bowhunting expertise in this essential book.

Seven Reasons you need The Freelance Bowhunter

  1. OK, a book is “old technology” – but Barringer mixes in new technology by adding “QR Codes” you can scan with your smartphone. They’ll take you to videos he has made that explain in visual detail what he’s talking about. This is the first book I’ve seen to do that. Most books merely integrate photos with text. This one integrates videos with text—a real value-added feature!
  1. About technology—Barringer tells you how to use today’s technology for mapping applications, how to use trail cameras while you hunt instead of before you hunt, and how to capitalize on the science you can get from local biologists.
  1. This is the book that will raise your odds of success in bowhunting. You won’t find any other place where you can get expert real-life mentoring on how to select your hunting partner, how to choose prime hunting areas, when to go, how to scout, what kinds of tree stands you’ll need, options for getting meat home, and many other proven ideas that will insure the experience of a lifetime.
  1. It will save you money. Without the information in this book, you’ll spend a lot more than you need to spend. Barringer has explicit instructions on how to maximize limited dollars. A few things are a fixed price—hunting licenses, gas, etc. But you’ll save many times the price of this book if you use his ideas on where to stay, how to split costs with another deer hunter, how to plan easy and inexpensive meals, and other bowhunting secrets you’d otherwise learn mostly through mistakes.

Barringer shot this mature buck on a hunt in Iowa. His antlers weren’t built to score well, but when you can outsmart an old deer like this on a public land DIY hunt in another state, you’ve accomplished something special.

  1. Bonus features are full of details, details, details! What your expectations should be. The lost art of getting permission. Weighing whether you should try new places or go back to a place you’ve been to. Why to be aggressive, and more important, how to be aggressive when you’re up against a deadline.
  1. Destinations. Barringer outlines the top 16 whitetail states, with an honest assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of each one. He tells you what you should know, wherever you choose to go. What’s the best? Your choice depends on a variety of factors including where you live, how you’ll travel, and what kind of hunting pressure each state has.
  1. It’s a keeper. Here’s a book that will become dog-eared, because you’ll return to it again and again. While some of the equipment he talks about may become outdated (it always does), the meat of this book draws from the lifetime of experience of one of the nation’s top traveling bowhunters, so it will be relevant year after year after year.

Don’t underestimate the value of The Freelance Bowhunter—it covers everything you can think of about mobile bowhunting, and much that you won’t. Even if you’re already in the planning stages for a deer hunt this fall, you can learn a lot from Bernie Barringer. It’s on-target, and I’m betting a lot of hunters will credit some great bucks to what they learn from this book. Buy it from the author’s own website at, or from, where it’s also available for Kindle.

steve-sorensen-head-shotOutdoor writer and speaker Steve Sorensen is the author of Growing Up With Guns, writes an award-winning newspaper column called The Everyday Hunter®, and edits content on the Havalon Sportsman’s Post. He has also published articles in Deer & Deer Hunting, Outdoor Life, and many other top magazines across the USA. Invite Steve to speak at your next sportsman’s event, and follow him at

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