A Fresh Fish Fry You’ve Got To Try

By Tracy L. Schmidt

Once you try this panfish recipe,
you might want to go fishing every day!

Simple ingredients needed to make a delicious fish recipe

A few simple ingredients are all you need to make great fish. (Photo: Tracy Schmidt)

My family likes to eat fish on a regular basis, so we love catching crappies in the spring and early summer. These delicious fish love to hide around areas with structure, and it takes the right touch to get them hooked. They may take a little effort to catch, but they sure do taste great. Bluegills also work perfectly for this recipe, although it takes more of them to feed the family.

The real crunch in this dish comes from the almond topping. The basic flour breading gets crispy and flaky but the almonds really add something special. We like to eat our fish with homemade coleslaw and rye bread, or with a baked potato and salad on the side. I like to use sea salt with this recipe rather than table salt but either one can be used.

Crappies to be used for this almond topped panfish recipe

A few large crappies help turn a meal into a feast. (Photo: Tracy Schmidt)


Peanut oil for frying
Sea salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup milk
Pan fish fillets, skinned
1 cup flour
6 tablespoons butter, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
3/4 cup sliced almonds, chopped finely
1 teaspoon dried parsley

Almonds are key to get a great crunch out of this crappie and bluegill recipe

Coat the almonds with melted butter and top the fish fillets. (Photo: Tracy Schmidt)


Heat oil in a large heavy pan until 365°F. Warm oven to 200°F and line a baking sheet with paper towels to keep fried fish warm between batches.  Crack the eggs into a shallow bowl and beat them with a fork. Then add the milk and mix together.

Pat the fish dry and season them with sea salt and pepper. Put the flour in a shallow baking pan. Dip one fillet at a time in the egg mixture then dredge in the flour. Repeat dipping and dredging so each piece of fish is coated twice.

Almond topped panfish with homemade coleslaw

We love to eat our fish with homemade coleslaw. (Photo: Tracy Schmidt)

Deep fry the fillets until they are crispy and brown for 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer each batch to the baking sheet to keep warm until you are finished frying the rest of the fillets.

When the fillets are done, melt the butter in a small pan. Add the almonds and coat them with the butter. When ready to serve, spoon almond topping onto fillets.

Serving suggestion:

This is a little different than the standard Friday night fish fry meal. I serve this fish with fresh lemon wedges, twice-baked potatoes and steamed asparagus when it’s in season.

A mixed batch of fried fish

If you look at the piece of fish at bottom right and then at bottom left, you may see the difference in texture between the coarseness of cornmeal (left) and the flaky texture from using just flour (right). (Photo: Tracy Schmidt)

Nothing beats sitting down to a nice plate of fish and your favorite beverage, to relive special moments talking about favorite fishing spots, lures and family legends.

About Tracy L. Schmidt:

Tracy Schmidt headhsotTracy L. Schmidt is a certified master food preservation specialist and the author of the book “Venison Wisdom.” Each of her recipes is tested and perfected. She is married to Daniel Schmidt, editor in chief of Deer & Deer Hunting magazine and host of “Deer & Deer Hunting TV” on NBC Sports. Tracy enjoys the versatility of Havalon Knives in both the kitchen and the field.

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Secrets to Catching Trout in Cold Water

By Mike Bleech

When Snow Melt, Chills the Creeks. 

stream may have snow in headwaters 448x298

In early spring, this small stream may still have snow in its headwaters. (Photo by Mike Bleech)

It was the kind of adventure that is best done when you are a kid. Pop-up camper trailers were a new thing, and I had never seen one before I camped in one with three old-timers. One guy worked for the gas company that owned the land where we would fish, and he had a key. That meant other trout anglers would have to get up early and walk an hour to get to fish, where we could just wake up and start fishing.

That was also a time when weather forecasts were less reliable than they are now, so it came as a complete surprise when we woke up on the opening day of trout season greeted by 10 inches of heavy snow. The air temperature was chilly at daybreak, but it rose while we fished, and the frigid snow melt run-off quickly filled the small creek. Fishing was terrible. The first few hours passed and I never caught a single trout, nor did anyone else I talked with, until late in the morning.

salted minnow attractive trout meal 448x298

A salted minnow might not look very appealing to a human, but to brook trout they are a very attractive meal, and deadly in cold water. (Photo by Mike Bleech)

#1 – One of My First
Fishing Lessons
To this day, I’m thankful for this good fishing lesson… I watched one fisherman catch several trout in short order. Fortunately, he was kind enough to share his secret with a kid. He showed me how to string salted minnows on a wire harness with a split, double hook. After demonstrating the rigging, he gave me a harness and several minnows. By the time I returned to camp for lunch I was proudly carrying a limit of trout. Three old-timers were pleasantly surprised to see that the kid had out-fished them.

The stream we fished that long-ago day had been stocked with brook, brown, and rainbow trout. All the trout I caught, and all that were caught by the gentleman who shared his secret with me, were brookies. The obvious lesson in this is that minnows are excellent bait for brook trout in frigid water, a truth I have confirmed many times since.

#2 – Remember, Trout are Cold Water Fish
Cold water conditions lower the spirits of many trout anglers who assume trout will not hit in cold water. This makes absolutely no sense because trout are classed as cold water fish and will strike readily under ice. However, trout do behave differently in frigid water than they do in warmer water. Baits or lures should be presented slowly and close to the bottom. That gives trout plenty of time to examine your offering, to see it and to smell it. It makes sense to add some sort of bait, or scent, to lures.

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If the water is warm enough to flow, it is warm enough for brook trout to be active. Never let cold water be your reason for not fishing. (Photo by Mike Bleech)

#3 – Use a Fat, Slow,
Spinner Blade
One time-tested cold water lure/bait combo is a spinner tipped with a maggot. Avoid the temptation to use a slender willow leaf spinner blade – although it’s easier to keep spinners of this type deep. Instead, use a spinner with a Colorado blade. The nearly round Colorado blade spins at a much slower speed than the willow leaf style, making it perfect for cold water presentation.

With this special presentation, the spinner is not actually retrieved, but instead it is held steady in the current where the spinning blade catches the eyes of trout, and the maggot tells its acute sense of smell that this is something good to eat. Manipulating the rod tip will move the lure back and forth across the stream, a very accurate presentation

This presentation can be used all through trout season for getting your offering into tight places where there is no room to cast. Slowly let out line, which makes the lure slip downstream into those tight spots. You will be fishing in places where no one else can.

#4 – Go for Brightness in Cold Water
Brighter treble hook dressing is generally best in cold water. One of my long-time favorite spinners has a gold, Colorado blade and bright orange or yellow dressing on the hook.

Many things we encounter while fishing are difficult to explain. The explanations anglers try to come up with are often wrong, which does nothing but cause problems. Simply accepting things as you learn, with the optimistic faith of a child, will not lead you astray. The preference trout have for bright or shiny colors when the water is cold fits this line of thinking is. The “why” matters not in the least. What matters is that you will catch trout when few others do. When you do, try to find a kid – and share your secret with him.


About Mike Bleech

mike-bleech-outdoor-writerMike Bleech has been a full-time freelance writer/photographer since 1980 with more than 5,000 articles published in more than 100 publications. He is the outdoors columnist for the Erie Times-News and the Warren Times Observer. Over the years he has become an expert at hunting the Allegheny National Forest and other public lands, and an accomplished trout fisherman.


For more articles on trout fishing, click here.

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Winter Hunting Essentials

By Tom Claycomb III

Essentials for the perfect winter hunt.

As kids, Richard Jaco and I would go camping nearly every weekend. While doing it we engaged in lots of diversions. We’d trap all night or ride around with the game warden hunting deer poachers – then we’d duck hunt at day break. It was great fun except that we didn’t have a tent and my lightweight sleeping bag had a broken zipper.


A 4-wheeler is not an essential, but a reliable one can get you to the top of the mountain with less stress and strain, so you can save your energy for hunting, and hunt longer in the evening
before returning to camp.

Those early camping trips probably didn’t teach me much that would help me years later when, on my first bear hunt in Colorado at about 9,500 feet, we had to clear out a foot and a half of snow to set up our tent. Jerome Lawler looked over and asked me where my sleeping pad was. I didn’t even know they made such a thing.

Since those days I’ve learned a lot and have added sleeping pads and more to my camping arsenal. If you’re camping in extreme winter conditions, certain items are must-haves. I don’t know if you can even rate them – they’re all equally important.

In extreme winter camping conditions such as you’ll encounter while elk hunting you have to get a good night sleep to be able to hunt hard. It is the most physical activity that I do all year.


A quality tent, pitched in the right place, can shelter you
from Mother Nature’s worst.

It means getting up well before daylight to eat, and then jumping on a horse, 4-wheeler or hiking to the top of a mountain. It means hiking in mountains all day and stumbling back into camp well after dark. It means slamming down dinner and trying to get some quick shuteye, only to wake up early and do it all again. It’s imperative to get a good night’s sleep. Below are four items that can help you do that:

  1. A good tent – Don’t buy one of the newer tents that has mesh all the way down the side. This was done to cut cost. You only want a little mesh at the top to allow for air flow. Also look for one with a rain cover that comes down to ground level. Otherwise snow flurries will whip under it and into your tent.
  2. A good sleeping bag – Get one rated for -20° F, like the Alps Mountaineering Crescent Lake model. Many manufacturers fib on the ratings, so always get one with a lower temp rating than you think you’ll need. Most people favor mummy bags to preserve body heat. A fleece liner will fill in the dead spots, prevent heat from escaping, and increase the heat rating.
  3. A good sleeping pad – A sleeping pad will protect you from the freezing ground. I love using cots but in cold weather they allow the cold to sweep in from the bottom. Another valuable function that pads provide is they soften the hard ground. I live in the Rocky Mountains. In case you wonder why they’re called “Rocky,” it’s because they’re made up of rocks. Without a good sleeping pad, that prevents a good night’s sleep.
  4. A tent heater – If you’re sleeping in a sheepherder’s tent (a type of wall tent) then you might be lucky enough to have a wood stove. If not, then there’s nothing like a tent heater. I bought a Coleman tent heater 23 years ago and love it. It puts out 5,000 BTUs. Don’t sleep with it burning or it will asphyxiate you, but I love to fire it up at bed time to heat up the tent so I can strip down, put on my long handles without freezing, and hit the bag warm. Then when I wake up in the morning I sleepily reach out and fire it up. By the time I stumble out of my bag the tent’s warm. If you’re the yuppie type who can’t get along without a bagel, you may try what my buddy Mike Trautner does – he puts his bagel on the heat guard the night before. When he crawls out the bagel’s warm and ready for him to spread on some cream cheese.

the-right-gear-text-314x180With the above items (the bagel’s not an essential) you should be able to sneak in a good night’s sleep even when the elements are trying to punish you. One last little trick that helps insure a good night’s sleep is to lay a tarp on the tent floor under your sleeping bag and clothes. Curl a ridge along one edge or in the corner, and place wet clothes and boots there to separate them from everything else. That way when the snow melts you will still have a dry tent.

Being outdoors in the winter can be tough duty but it doesn’t mean your only two choices are between dying and being miserable! Be prepared with these four essentials and it will be more fun – plus you’ll be able to hunt harder after a good night’s sleep.


tom claycomb image 288x300About Tom Claycomb III

Tom lives in Idaho writes outdoor articles for various newspapers, magazines & websites. If it’s something outdoors, he probably likes it. You can read some more of his writings at: www.Amazon.com, www.TomclayComb3.com, and www.BassPro.com.



Click here for more helpful hints by Tom Claycomb III.

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Posted in Antelope Hunting, Bear Hunting, Big Game Hunting, Buffalo Hunting, Camping, Coyote Hunting, Deer Hunting, Elk Hunting, Ice Fishing, Ice Fishing, Moose Hunting, Outdoor Life, Tom Claycomb III | Comments Off on Winter Hunting Essentials

5 Reasons Not to Build Your Own Treestand

5 Reasons Not to Build Your Own Treestand
By Steve Sorensen


Have you ever built a treestand? Maybe you dream of a tree condo – 8′ by 8′ with a pitched roof, carpeted floor, sliding windows and a propane gas heater. Maybe even an easy chair to nap in and a hot plate where you can warm up your lunch. Ahh, the luxuries of hunting.

The treestand I built about 20 years ago – a folding ladder stand with wheels to make it easy (or so I thought) to move from one tree to another – was no luxury. It turned out much heavier than I expected and I struggled to set it up. I was younger and stronger then, and I doubt I could move it today.

Many of us have taken scraps of 2″ by 4″ boards, a piece of plywood and a few long screws and bolts, and fashioned our own death trap. Yes, that’s the main reason I don’t recommend building your own treestand. Here are five more reasons that support my view that homemade treestands aren’t safe.

1. You’re not a structural engineer.
Please forgive me, but you don’t have the design experience to create a truly safe treestand. With the exception of a few creative guys who’ve inherited a structural engineering gene, you don’t know what you’re doing. Even commercial treestand designs have changed for the better (and safer) over the past few decades to correct design flaws that have led to accidents.

2. Commercial treestands aren’t as expensive as you think.
While treestand designs have improved in recent years prices have dropped, for several reasons. One is low foreign wages. Good or bad, that’s a fact of life in today’s global market. Manufacturers can build treestands across the water, ship them to the United States in containers on boats, and the price is still much lower than treestands manufactured in America. You can now buy a ladder stand for well under $100. At that price they may not have the bells and whistles a top-shelf treestand has, but they are safe and serviceable.

3. Building your treestand is more expensive than you think.
Even if you’re an accomplished D-I-Y guy, a few runs to the local hardware store for hinges, braces and ratchet straps will add up. Then you’ll realize that bright new wood needs to be camo’ed up – there goes another $20 for paint. Before hunting from your homebrew treestand you’ll need to fork over some money for a good safety system, so your total cost will almost surely be somewhere north of the price of a commercial treestand. Most treestands sold today come with some sort of safety harness, so you get more in that big cardboard box than just a treestand.

4. The odds are, you are going to fall.
For various reasons some hunters will still suffer tragic falls from treestands, even from commercial models. That’s why treestand companies have insurance to cover their liability. And no matter how careful you are, or how strong, you’re not invincible. The odds are you will suffer some kind of fall, and it will be your fault. The truth is falling is far more likely from a homemade treestand. Don’t be that guy.

5. Treestand hunting is overrated.
I’ve had that lesson confirmed many times. On opening day in New York one season I was planning to hunt from a treestand, but couldn’t find it in the dark. Rather than bumble around looking for it, I headed up the hill above the bench where the treestand was. I figured I’d wait until after daylight, and then find it and climb into it. That turned out to be a smart move because I heard a lot of commotion right where the treestand was – a buck was chasing a doe. I tooted on my deer call and here they came. I got the shot just as daylight was breaking. That’s one example of many where I’ve had more luck from the ground than from treestands. The reasons should be obvious. A treestand is limiting. You can’t move without noise and effort. If you’re on the ground, you can move farther up or farther down the hill. You can move ten feet or a mile. You can adjust more easily for the wind currents and deer movements. I don’t feel the least bit disadvantaged if I’m hunting from the ground, especially in the firearms season. Plus if you fall down when your feet area already on the ground, you might break something but you’re not likely to die.

Several years ago my brother fell from a tree 22 feet to the ground. He wasn’t hunting; he was trimming a tree in his yard. The fall shattered both his heels and changed his life. Several surgeries, months lying in bed, physical therapy, and special shoes put him back on his feet. He walks again, but short distances and never without pain.

When that happened I did a little research. In rare cases it’s possible to survive falls from significant heights, but it’s also possible to die from falls of only 15 feet – the average height of a treestand. If you don’t die, you might break your back or spine. You might rip heavy internal organs such as your heart or liver and bleed to death internally in seconds. It’s no joke – it really is that sudden stop that kills you.

If you want to hunt from a tree, get a good treestand built by a member of the Treestand Manufacturers Association, and use it properly. These folks care about your safety. In fact, go to the website at www.tmastands.com and educate yourself about treestand safety.

And remember, as important as it is to enjoy the hunt, it’s far more important to enjoy the day after the hunt.

Steve Sorensen is known as “The Everyday Hunter.” When he isn’t hunting, he’s thinking about hunting, talking about hunting, dreaming about hunting, writing about hunting, or wishing he were hunting. If you want to tell Steve exactly where your favorite hunting spot is, contact him through his website, www.EverydayHunter.com. He speaks are sportsman’s events, writes for top outdoor magazines, and won the 2015 national “Pinnacle Award” for outdoor writing.



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Posted in Bear Hunting, Big Game Hunting, Bowhunting, Deer Hunting, Elk Hunting, Hunting Safety, Steve Sorensen | 1 Comment

5 Reasons We Need Women Hunters

Get out of that he-man-woman-hater’s club

5 Reasons We Need Women Hunters
By Steve Sorensen

If you and your hunting buddies frown upon female hunters, maybe you’re living in the 1900s. Hunting camps are no longer he-man-woman-haters-clubs, if they ever were. In most of America today women have gained equality with men. Yes, even in the traditionally male world of hunters. Women are now the fastest growing segment of the hunting population.

This isn’t a man’s world
In the coyote den, it’s not just the male that leaves to hunt while the female nurtures their young. In the eagle’s nest, it’s not just the male that brings food back for the eaglets. Even your pampered cat, though she may be spayed and spend most of her time indoors, will lay that songbird on your doorstep expecting praise for her hunting prowess.

If that’s not enough to help you realize the mistake of thinking hunting is a man’s world, here are four more reasons why we need women in the world of hunting.


1. To Connect to the Romance
Romance is not just flowers and chocolate. Romance is “a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement, and remoteness from everyday life.” That goes a long way to describe hunting. That’s one of the outdoorsman’s biggest thrills. Why not give a woman that same connection with wildlife? Like my friend Dick, who took Audrey hunting. After an hour on an archery stand Audrey called to tell Dick, “I shot a deer.” He replied, “Great! I’ll be right over to help you field dress it.” She answered, “No need. I already did that.” Dick said, “Good! I’ll help you drag it.” Audrey said, “I already dragged it up to the four-wheeler.” Dick found a soulmate.

A woman who spends time in the woods with you will not only understand you better, she will also see what draws you to special places where you interact with the natural world. She, like you, will gravitate to those places of mystery, excitement, and remoteness. That’s romance.

2. To Kill the Stereotypes
Back in junior high school teachers held assemblies to teach us we shouldn’t stereotype other people. We learned to erase the distinction between “male” and “female” careers. Now we’re comfortable with men as nurses and social workers. We accept female physicians and attorneys.

It’s time we kill the stereotypes in hunting, too. There was a time when advertisers began using women as eye-candy for a male-dominated arena. Then companies saw a market and started making camo with pink trim. Now women defy stereotypes. Like Sister John Paul Bauer, a retired Navy veteran who became a Roman Catholic nun and started hunting. Last deer season she was in the midst of a Facebook firefight when critics around the world harassed her for shooting a nice 10-point buck. Many of them considered themselves liberal, but there’s nothing liberal about condemning a woman who breaks a stereotype.


3. To Listen to Their Voices
Advertising messages are repeated over and over. We often ignore them, but we begin to pay attention when we’re in the market for a new car, or a new insurance policy. Have you noticed who the voices of wisdom are in those little household vignettes advertisers use? Often they are the voices of strong, intelligent women. Like Vikki Trout, an outdoor writer and photographer, who continues to speak out for hunting even after tragically losing her husband John to cancer.

Vikki writes for the outdoor magazines, sells photos of wildlife, and introduces new people to hunting. She’s an effective ambassador for hunting with a consistent, life-changing, pro-hunting voice. So if more and more positive voices representing hunting come from strong, intelligent women, people won’t see hunting as the blood sport of Neanderthal men.


4. To Win the Public Relations War
Today’s colleges have more female than male students, and more women are finding their places as corporate executives. We even see more women at construction sites. Women are finding out it’s OK to be hunters, too. In my home state of Pennsylvania, the ranks of licensed female hunters grew by more than 40% over the last seven years.

We’ll win a public relations triumph when the multiplying ranks of women hunters help convince the public that hunters play an important role in wildlife management, even that hunters – both male and female – are the key to abundant wildlife in North America. A lot is riding on this because the public is made up of many non-hunters who need to be convinced of the value of hunting. In fact, if we don’t win this public relations war, and the public mistakenly decides hunters are bad for wildlife, then hunting will see its last days.

5. To Reverse the Decline
It’s no secret that hunters’ numbers are declining. Enlisting more boys in hunting won’t produce the numbers it once did because smaller families mean the pool of boys is smaller. Many families are no longer headed by men, so Dad isn’t around to take Junior hunting. And we’ve shifted to a more urban society, so fewer families live in rural settings where hunting is an everyday part of the culture.

Introducing more women to hunting and the outdoors is the best way to reverse the decline. Every time a woman hunts, the world gets a new role model for young boys and young girls too.

Want More?
There you have it – five reasons we need women hunters. Want more? In the ongoing struggle to continue financing wildlife management, we need women. To continue as a political force for the right to bear arms, we need women. Women will help us overcome the tendency of the public to see wildlife management through an emotional lens, and to see hunting for what it is – food acquisition, camaraderie in the field, teaching others about the natural world, providing room in the habitat for the coming generations of wildlife, and changing the public perception of hunting from a consumer mentality to a caring-for-nature mentality. If those messages come from women and not just men, the public will listen and women will no longer be seen as exceptions in a world of male hunters.

In a nation that strives for equal pay for equal work and female participation in the armed forces, should anyone be surprised that more women are finding their places in blinds and treestands? Let’s welcome them, for the sake of hunting and for the sake of wildlife.


Steve Sorensen is the author of Growing Up With Guns, and The Everyday Hunter Handbook Series. He also writes an award-winning newspaper column called The Everyday Hunter®, and edits content for the Havalon Nation. He has published articles in top magazines across the USA, and won the 2015 “Pinnacle” Award for magazine writing. Invite Steve to speak at your next sportsman’s event, and follow him at www.EverydayHunter.com.

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Posted in Antelope Hunting, Archery Hunting, Bear Hunting, Big Game Hunting, Bowhunting, Buffalo Hunting, Coyote Hunting, Deer Hunting, Elk Hunting, Fall Turkey Hunting, For Women Hunters, Hog Hunting, Late Season Turkey Hunting, Moose Hunting, Outdoor Life, Pheasant Hunting, Predator Hunting, Rabbit Hunting, Small Game Hunting, Squirrel Hunting, Steve Sorensen, Turkey Hunting, Vikki Trout, Wild Boar Hunting | 2 Comments