Category Archives: Taxidermy

Why Doctors Who Hunt Prescribe Havalon Knives

Why Doctors Who Hunt Prescribe Havalon Knives (When it’s time for the post-mortem work…) by Steve Sorensen You’ve tied your tag on a deer and it’s time for field dressing. What will you use? A heavy, over sized survival knife? … Continue reading

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Posted in Antelope Hunting, Bear Hunting, Big Game Hunting, Buffalo Hunting, Coyote Hunting, Deer Hunting, Deer Processing, Elk Hunting, Field Dressing Tips, Hog Hunting, Moose Hunting, Predator Hunting, Reviews of Havalon Knives, Steve Sorensen, Taxidermy, Uncategorized, Wild Boar Hunting | Comments Off on Why Doctors Who Hunt Prescribe Havalon Knives

Taxidermy 101: Skull Cleaning with Dermestid Beetles

by Bob Robb A less Expensive, Alternative Taxidermy Method For many “newbies” to the world of hunting large predators, the idea of a trophy at the end of a successful hunt for bear, coyote, wolf, cougar or bobcat is either … Continue reading

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Seven Mistakes Your Taxidermist Can’t Fix

By Steve Sorensen Taxidermy is an art form. The word comes from the Latin taxi, which means “movement,” and derma, which means “skin.” So the taxidermist moves skin from what was once a live specimen to a form that can be preserved … Continue reading

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Posted in Deer Mounting, Steve Sorensen, Taxidermy, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments